Monday, February 2, 2009

Money Or Happiness?

So yeah, I think the question "Money or happiness?" pretty much gets everyone thinking. This question is no stranger to everyone coz I bet theres always a point in your life where you get asked or thought of that question...

But seriously, would you choose money over happiness or happiness over money? And I'm saying happiness as in every different aspect of it, like being happy with someone you love or happy with what you have or where you are in life. Well, if you're wondering why I'm blogging bout this out of nowhere, its because something happened today in my family that triggered this thought. But I'm not gonna go into detail about what happened for privacy's sake.

Anyway, back to the topic... Would you choose money or happiness?
Is money really everything and money is the only thing you need to survive in this cruel cruel world or can help you go by day by day with no other worries? Does it control your life? I know money is important... But you know, they print money everyday and theres lots of it in the world...And people work real hard for it so they can support their lifestyle or family. Is money so important that you can sacrifice your love or happiness just for it? Are we really becoming that negative and greedy?

Happiness- What makes you happy? Is it being with the one you love and not caring what other people think? Is it living with just enough and although at times you might not have enough to buy all the luxuries you want, you still feel contented with what you have. Happiness happiness happiness... Can money buy happiness? I think not.

When I think of life, I always wonder...Why is money so damned precious and since they print it everyday, why can't we just share and everyone has the same amount of money and same pay so we can all work together to get what we want and still be happy at the end of the day? We should be able to live with the ones we love without worrying about how low their pay may be as we all have the same. Why can't things stop being so expensive and when things get expensive, why doesn't the people's pay rise too? Is it worth being lonely and stressing about work everyday just for money? Don't you think we deserve to love someone that doesn't earn much and not be judged for it?

Honestly, I think happiness is so much more important than money. Money you can always earn but happiness is hard to find. When you do find that special kind of happiness, don't ever ever let it go for money as once you let go...You may never find it again.

And if you're happy with a someone, but still many disapprove or disagree, I'll be the one that will tell you to do what you're happy with and what other people feel or think doesn't matter. Because its your happiness and not their's. So ignore what they say and just go do what you want as theres always a light at the end of the tunnel. =)

Will be back to blog soon.Love ya and take care.

P.S: For parents, you should let your children do things that make them happy and not try to defy their beliefs instead. If your children makes a decision and it makes them happy, then its the greatest thing for them. And if they suffer from the consequences of their actions, they will mature and know what is good for them and what is not. Peace!


  1. Hey Li Anngkz. This can be more of an essay than a blog. Weird, u coming down to Shen's farewell party???


  2. Oi! Blogs got different types la. Some write bout daily life like a diary such as u and jiun...I prefer writing bout what I think. So be it if it looks like an essay.
