Monday, February 16, 2009

Gone Were The Days...

Gone were the days when:
1 ) Shen would smell her blanky infront of me.
2 )Shen would drive me out to buy food and stuff.
3 )Shen would let me use her laptop when she goes out.
4 )Shen would scratch her armpit when I was sleeping next to her.
5 )Shen and Jiun would shout at each other at petty things.
6 )Shen would take my side whenever something happens.
7 )Shen would joke about my panties on the webcam.
8 )Shen would sit on me and read magazine together.
9 )Shen would watch dirty/disgustin porn together with me.
10)Shen would just stare at me and we would wink and do weird faces at each other.

SHENNNNNN!!!! I miss you already!!! Can't wait for you to come back home!!!


  1. Wow...I think u gotta survive like this for at least anohter ten months or so. Never thought u could not resist having Shen so bad.

  2. alamak you don't have to put those disgusting one's up!
